
We Can Transform your Business

Manufacturing Industry

Project Name

Building an Online Grid for Power Systems: Our Impactful Website Design, Development, and Maintenance

Client Background

Our client, a leading manufacturer and supplier of products for the electric utility, communication, and civil infrastructure markets, approached us with a request to design, develop, and maintain a website to showcase their products and services. Their primary goal was to establish an online presence that reflected their expertise and experience in these markets and to generate leads for their business.

Discovery Phase

We began the project with a discovery phase, where we had several meetings with the client to gain a deeper understanding of their business goals, their target audience, and their desired user experience. Through these meetings, we were able to gather detailed information about the products and services they offer, their branding guidelines, and their desired user journey.

Design Phase

Based on the information gathered during the discovery phase, we moved on to the design phase. Our design team created wireframes and mockups of the website, taking into account the client's branding guidelines, the user experience, and the products and services they offer. We ensured that the website was visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for lead generation.

Development Phase

Once the design was finalized, we moved on to the development phase. We used WordPress as the CMS for the website, which allowed us to create a custom design while maintaining the flexibility and ease of use of the platform. We deployed the website on AWS, which allowed us to ensure scalability, security, and reliability.

Maintenance and Optimization

After the website was launched, we continued to work with the client to ensure that the website was up-to-date and optimized for search engines. We regularly updated the website with new content, monitored its performance, and made optimizations to improve its search engine rankings. We also developed a mobile application for the client, which allowed their customers to easily access information about their products and services on their smartphones.


The website we designed and developed helped our client establish a strong online presence and reach new customers in the electric utility and civil infrastructure markets. The website's search engine rankings improved significantly, resulting in increased traffic and sales. The mobile application we developed also proved to be a valuable tool for customers, increasing customer engagement and convenience. Overall, the website and mobile application helped our client achieve their business goals and establish themselves as a leader in the industry.

Manufacturing Industry


MacLean Power Systems
MacLean Power Systems


04 July 2022


Marketing, UX Design, Web

Top Clutch Development Company India 2022 Award
Top Web Development Company 2022
MVS ISO/IEC 27001 Information security management systems Certification
MVS Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst